HITS,is a leading prestigious and recognized institution in India, located at Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Commenced in 1985, it offers a wide spectrum of Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Diploma, Research & Doctoral Programmes in diverse fields of Engineering, Technology, Architecture, Management, Law, Fashion Design Aviation, Applied Sciences, Allied Sciences, and Arts and Sciences. HITS is recognised as Deemed to be University by UGC in 2008 and received Category-II status from MHRD which empowers HITS with Academic Autonomy. The technical courses at UG and PG levels are approved by AICTE. NBA has certified Computer Science and Engineering under Tier 1 category. HITS is a part of the most illustrious Hindustan Group of Institutions which caters to the academic needs of over 15,000 students.
The Develop computer systems and their applications, with a curriculum that has a balanced emphasis on theory, practical and projects. The departments are accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA). The Department of CSE&IT have industry connect and had signed several MoUs with leThe Departments aim to equip the students with the ability and skills to analyse, design and ading IT Industries like IBM, HTC-ITMR and CISCO.
The primary objective of the conference is to bring together academicians, researchers, industrialists, scientists, entrepreneurs, faculty and students to share their knowledge in cutting edge technologies, innovations and recent trends in the field of computational Intelligence and Data Analytics. The Conference provides a platform to showcase their research interest in the respective domains.